Product promotion

Product promotion

Promote your products

We allow suppliers to insert products into a global library, where users can insert them into their project. At the same time, we allow you to assign catalog sheets and a link directly to your site or your product. In the event that the customer will want to contact you regarding technical support, you will see directly for what purpose he uses them and you will be able to provide him with the best advice and the best services.

3D models online

The customer will use your product in their project using a 3D model. It is therefore necessary to upload models that will not be too detailed or too general. Areas of the product for further connections are an important element. We take the ideal size of the model up to 5Mb so that the necessary and useful details can be seen.

Product documentation online

You can assign product catalog sheets, instructions, etc. to the given product. The user can go through the details before ordering.

Better customer supportPartnerský produkt s webovou stránkou

We believe that closer contact and sharing of knowledge with the customer will speed up the entire project process and the customer will achieve earlier success. Therefore, we enable project sharing between individual users.

Provide the best service

If the customer provides you with an overview of the model of your project, you can consult with him the details of your product and offer him the best service.

Links to your products

You can assign a link to your website or a link to that product to each product. The customer can find more detailed information directly on your website.

Receive new inquiries

Users who assemble a project from your components and request delivery, the distributor will see a request with the goods to complete the information. You can thus offer the customer a more suitable or better solution.

Licensing policy

If you want your products to be available to other users, you must check the "Distributor" box and purchase the appropriate monthly license.

The license parameters are:

Public components: Number of components (models) in the public library that other users can work with.

Maximum component size: The maximum data size of any uploaded model (public or private).

Total storage: Space size for all recorded models (public and private).

The current licenses are intended primarily for:

License Trial: This is a trial license that allows you basic things like a place in a public library or a repository for your private models.

License Integrator: License suitable for companies that need to share their models with customers or their partners and at the same time do not need to use a public library.

License Standard: Basic licenses suitable for the promotion of their products in the public library and at the same time they do not need to use a large space as storage for their models.

License Business: It combines elements of the previous two licenses, so it is suitable for larger companies that have their own standardized products and at the same time implement turnkey projects.

License Custom: If previous licenses are not enough, we are able to individually set the license exactly according to your needs.